Digitally controlled press with a pressure of 250 kN

Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to inform you that as a result of the implementation of the project "Development of a new type of energy-saving digitally controlled presses with increased stroke speed, precision of the exerted force and precision of the ram positioning" we will introduce a new type of press with a pressure of 250 kN to our offer.

The main innovativeness of the new press is characterized by the following parameters:
1. Speed ​​of the approach and return stroke of 200 mm/s
Higher stroke speed has a positive effect on the increase in the efficiency of the press
Reducing the time of work by several to several dozen percent will have a significant impact on increasing the production efficiency of the system. Another benefit resulting from the new design is the adjustable stroke speed. The new functionality allows it to be individually adjusted to the needs of a given technological process.
2. Accuracy of the applied pressure force up to 4%
High accuracy of the applied pressure force is of great importance when forming parts from thin sheets of metal. This means that the new press can fulfill various functions: crimping machines, punching machines and compression presses for precision elements.
3. Control of the positioning of the punch relative to adjacent cycles not exceeding 0.05 mm. 
The precision of the control of the position of the punch allows to increase the quality of the parts produced and affects the possibility of conducting, for example, stage forming. This means that materials processed in this way will be subject to better expansion and force distribution.
4. Reduced electricity consumption compared to other presses by 10-30%.
Lower operating costs resulting from lower electricity consumption and the elimination of the hydraulic system, including oil. We have eliminated oil from the drive system, which reduces its consumption required for operational replacement by 250-300l (depending on the press pressure).
In the new press, the hydraulic drive system has been replaced with an electric one, which will eliminate the need for servicing oil changes in the system. Another advantage is the elimination of the oil cooling system, which reduces the demand for electrical energy.
For more information, please contact us directly at

Date of publication: 27.06.2022